Thursday, 7 May 2009

Why arent there enough hours in a day?

As the title says, why aren't there enough hours in the day to do everything you set out to do or is it just that I get side tracked??

The plan today was to add some new products to the web site - 50% completion.

Ride the horse - 100% completion.

Walk the Dog - well it sort of walked itself whilst I socialised with the girls down the farm.

Go to Tesco - 0% completion.

Do some knitting - I have three projects on the go now and none of them are making much progress.......

Do the washing - couldn't do this one as I hadn't been to Tesco for Fabric Conditioner - good excuse eh?!

Just realised why I loose time. I spend too much time blogging and reading other blogs.... Off to do a few rows.

If anybody has any advice on marketing websites please advise.

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